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Content matching: STEM Grants

The 2021 IEEE Pre-University STEM Portal Grant recipients have successfully completed their programs! These programs helped to increase the opportunity for STEM education for Pre-University...
The 2022 IEEE Pre-University STEM Portal Grant recipients have successfully completed their programs. These programs helped to increase the opportunity for STEM education for pre-university...
Congratulations to all our 2021 IEEE Pre-University STEM Portal Grant Recipients! An overwhelming number of applications, eighty-three in all, were received with a wide array of...
The application window for the 2023 IEEE Pre-University STEM Grants is quickly coming to an end. The last day to apply for a PreU STEM...
IEEE Pre-University STEM Portal Grant Program will be announcing its 2023 winners during IEEE EdWeek at a live event 3 April at 9:30 AM ET. ...
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is an all-embracing discipline covering a broad range of domains and applications and is expected to impact every field in the coming...
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