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Content matching: Biomedical Engineering

The COVID-19 pandemic has created a huge demand for ventilators in hospitals across the world. But in many countries, especially those that are poor, hospitals...
Are you interested in a career where you get to develop or work with technology that improves health and saves lives? Then biomedical engineering and...
From Bio-physics to nano-technology Mercedes Cornelius (physicist) and Lisa Goel (biomedical engineer) delve into the future of everything from medicine to clothing. To meet more...
From Bio-physics to nano-technology Mercedes Cornelius (physicist) and Lisa Goel (biomedical engineer) delve into the future of everything from medicine to clothing. To meet more...
Phototherapy/Biomedical Engineering Partner Lesson by Engineering Tomorrow: Today’s Students, Tomorrow’s Engineers.  Engineering Tomorrow’s nationwide program offers a wide-array of Virtual Labs (that simulate real-world projects) developed...
Professor Dale Bailey is a Professor of Medical Physics at the University of Sydney, Principal Medical Physicist at Royal North Shore Hospital, and Director of...