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Forces and Motion

A Question of Balance This lesson focuses on the use of weight scales and measurement by manufacturing engineers. Teams of students are posed with the challenge...
Lesson focuses on aerospace engineering and how space flight has been achieved from an engineering vantage point. Students build and launch a model rocket and consider the forces on a...
Lesson focuses on issues civil engineers face, including critical load and how to reinforce the design of a structure to hold more weight.
In this lesson plan, students will learn about friction and force. Students will work in teams to design a skier out of everyday items that can race to the bottom...
Lesson focuses on how the principles of aerospace engineering have impacted golf ball design, along with equipment used in other sports. Students analyze the use of dimples on golf balls,...
Lesson focuses on the engineering behind elevators. Teams of students explore principles and requirements of vertical travel, then design and construct a working elevator to service a toy car garage...
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