A Thanksgiving Full of STEM!

Gobble, Gobble! It’s almost turkey time! Thanksgiving is one of the best holidays, not only for the delicious spread of food, but also because it reminds us to give thanks and be grateful for all we have. 

This Thanksgiving, let’s engage with some STEM activities. S for slime, T for turkey, E for experiments and M for munchies! There is sure to be an activity for every age, and each one is sure to bring a smile to your Thanksgiving table!


How do you make slime into a Thanksgiving tradition? Sprinkle some warm fall scents onto it, such as cinnamon or pumpkin spice! You can create your own recipe and be thankful for your creativity, or you can follow this recipe

Who said you can’t have another dessert, after the pumpkin pie? This activity incorporates yummy tastes in slime-that’s right, you can make edible and seasonal slime! This recipe calls for cranberries to make a delicious, yet slimy, dessert! 


Have you ever taken part in an egg-drop? This Thanksgiving, instead of dropping a plain egg, why not decorate it as a turkey?! This fun thanksgiving twist is sure to turn your wheels as you try and figure out the best way to protect your turkey from cracking. You can use different arts and crafts materials, the opportunities are endless. Check out these instructions!

Do you want to lend a helping hand this Thanksgiving? Offer to build a centerpiece for the table! This is a great way to express your creativity and show off your building skills. Will you use toothpicks? Construction paper? This one uses Legos! How cool is that?!


Do you know why leaves are able to change colors? This leaf chromatography experiment is sure to show you how. This step-by-step tutorial outlines exactly what you need to do. All you need are glasses or jars, a spoon, rubbing alcohol, white coffee filters, playdough and leaves!


Because it’s for STEM purposes, here is an excuse to play with your food! Do you like popcorn? What about hopping corn? In this activity, all you need is corn, white vinegar, baking soda, water, and a glass container! This activity is so entertaining and will teach you all about the composition of gasses, liquids, and solids. 

What are you waiting for? Its never too early to start giving thanks or doing it with a STEM twist! Let us know which activity is your favorite!