International Science and Engineering Fair 2024!

The world’s largest STEM competition is taking place right now! Of course, we are talking about the Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair, better known as ISEF! From 11 May – 17 May 2024 in Los Angeles, California, this prestigious science competition is bringing together pre-university students from across the globe! This year alone, over 1,700 student finalists are attending in-person to present their projects.

The International Science and Engineering Fair was established in the United States in 1950, as the National Science Fair. In 1958, the Fair became international when Japan, Canada, and Germany all joined the competition! Today, ISEF brings together over 80 participating countries, regions, and territories.

Being the largest international pre-university science competition, ISEF provides an invaluable platform for students to present their independent projects. ISEF is organized by the Society for Science, and the competition encourages innovation and inspiration in today’s young scientists and engineers, as well as promotes worldwide STEM education. ISEF also provides an opportunity for these students to compete for various scholarships and prizes.

IEEE is proud to continue to be a part of ISEF with our IEEE Presidents’ Scholarship! This scholarship, founded in 1999 in honor of IEEE Presidents, recognizes a deserving student for an outstanding project that demonstrates an understanding of electrical engineering, electronics engineering, computer science, or other IEEE fields of interest. The scholarship is awarded annually at ISEF, and the winner is selected by a team of IEEE members who serve as onsite judges after viewing the student finalists present their projects.

The IEEE President’s Scholarship is provided by the IEEE Foundation, and administered by IEEE Educational Activities. The scholarship includes $10,000 (USD), payable over four years of undergraduate university study, and a complimentary IEEE Student membership! A second-place award of $600 (USD), and a third-place award of $400 (USD) are also presented at ISEF.

This year marks the 25th Anniversary of the IEEE Presidents’ Scholarship! In honor of this milestone, IEEE Educational Activities has generously provided an additional $1,000 (USD) 25th Anniversary award to be presented during the event. IEEE’s current President, Thomas Coughlin, is in attendance at ISEF 2024, and will be personally presenting the 25th Anniversary award, as well the Presidents’ Scholarship awards!

Best of luck to the student finalists at ISEF 2024! Continue to create, innovate, and make our world a better place!