STEM Champion Spotlight: Shabana Urooj

IEEE Volunteers are dedicated to a variety of engineering outreach initiatives. Specifically, many participate in outreach programs aimed at supporting STEM in pre-university students. Shabana Urooj was a 2021 IEEE STEM Champion and is a senior member volunteer dedicated to many initiatives including STEM outreach to K-12 students, teachers, and parents. STEM professionals agree that students are best supported when their educators are supported. Therefore, programs that provide STEM outreach to K-12 teachers are just as valuable as programs that target the students themselves. Urooj is dedicated to K-12 STEM Teacher In-Service Programs (TISPs) within Saudi Arabia (Region 8). These teacher-focused programs help to ensure that teachers are confident with the material they are teaching and have adequate supplies and resources. 

I feel good whenever I conduct [teacher in-service programs] for school teachers in different schools,” stated Urooj recently when asked about her volunteer efforts. “It gives me satisfaction that I am able to impart the technical component in their teaching style and I feel proud when I demonstrate try-engineering lessons for them from the IEEE website. I feel great whenever I talk about my IEEE journey.”

Urooj also shared that the feedback and appreciation she receives from the teachers following her events are the most rewarding part of engaging in K-12 STEM outreach programs such as this.

Urooj is an Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering, College of Engineering at Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. She received her PhD from the Department of Electrical Engineering, Jamia Millia Islamia (A Central University), Delhi, India, in 2011. She has authored or coauthored more than 150 research papers which are published in high quality international journals and conference proceedings. She has publications across a variety of engineering disciplines including topics in electrical engineering, communications engineering, and biomedical engineering. Urooj was awarded the IEEE Region 10 Award for Outstanding Contribution in Educational Activities and has received the Badge of IEEE STEM Ambassador for her Excellent Volunteering and Efforts in STEM Promotional Activities. Read more about Shabana Urooj here

Shabana Urooj was selected as a 2021 STEM Champion as part of the IEEE STEM Champion Program.