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Curated Creative Resources

Engineering Resources for Teachers of All Levels

Teaching engineering to your students can be easy and fun, even if you don’t have an engineering background yourself! Let IEEE TryEngineering help you add engaging engineering concepts into your curriculum. Our database of resources is peer reviewed, with lesson plans and strategies made by teachers like you.

Lesson Plans, Activities & Featured Engineers

Making of a Microchip Students take on the role of a Semiconductor Engineer as they make a model of a microchip. Along the way, they will...
LED Color Mystery Sponsored Lesson by KEYSIGHT Technologies This lesson plan explores different types of inputs and output. It introduces students to measuring circuits physically and with...
Binary Basics This lesson is intended to provide young students with a basic understanding of how the system of binary numbers works. Gain a useful initial acquaintance...
Demonstrate and discuss simple circuits and the differences between parallel and serial circuit design and functions.
 TryEngineering Hands-on Activity Code-Division Multiplexing Demonstrate the concept of code-division multiplexing. This is the theory behind many wireless technologies. When we use a cell phone our voice...
 TryEngineering Hands-on Activity Sustainable Energy Transition through STEM Hey, your cell phone helps you make cool TikTok videos and Instagram stories. But do you know you can...
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