Are you interested in the amazing world of STEM? Check out these awesome toys that are sure to get you involved! Below is a summary of four awesome EdTech toys that have been reviewed by Amy Blankson and approved by her three children. Her complete review is published in Forbes Magazine.

A Limitless Robot 

KIBO is a robotic system that allows you to have full creative freedom to assemble it in any way you want! The options are unlimited such as a race car, a storybook character or even a helicopter! The robot is completely screen free and even has  programmable wooden building blocks to make the robot move. 

Dr. Bers created this device to give children the platform to create playgrounds, not playpens. This robot offers children endless possibilities of what to build, which creates a successful learning environment. 

Simple Coding

Did you know that you can code at any age, even if you don’t know how to read? Root Robot is an interactive robot that exposes you to the wonderful world of coding. Using the associated application you can program the robot to draw, play music and more! 

The physical robot is a white round disc that rolls on wheels and will perform the exact task you want it to, which is processed via code. Using a simple code that any child can understand, it teaches the child how to create their own code. 

A Real-world Application

Sensors Alive is an interactive educational science kit that allows you to collect real time measurements of light, sound, and temperature, using three sensors, to create your own virtual world using real-time measurements. 

By applying your real-time measurements to the virtual world, you can see the effect each measurement has on every creature. This kit is a favorite amongst many STEM enthusiasts because it bridges together a virtual world and a real world. Even better, you can further 3D print your created creatures to make it even more interactive!

The World in Your Eyes

Orboot is an interactive learning experience that teaches you all about the world through different cultures, cuisines, wildlife and more. Using an app and an augmented reality globe, you can choose to learn about any part of the world through over 1,000fascinating facts to spark your interest. This toy is available for learning about earth, dinosaurs or even mars! Each augmented globe sparks a newfound curiosity in children. 

More Toys

Want to find more available tech toys? Check out this TryEngineering article on STEM gifts to give your children