Fun with Speedboats

Resource Type: Lesson Plan
Engineering Discipline: Transportation Engineering
Age Group: 11-13

This lesson focuses on how engineers and ship designers have developed boats with a goal of breaking a water speed record. Students work in teams to develop a boat out of everyday materials that will prove to be the fastest in the classroom covering a distance of 5 ft or 150 cm along a water trough.

  • Learn about engineering design.
  • Learn about ship design and engineering.
  • Learn about world records.
  • Learn about teamwork and working in groups

Age Levels: 11-18

  • Build Materials (For each team)

    Trading/Table of Possibilities Materials


    • Rubber bands
    • Cardboard
    • Brass fasteners
    • Binder clips
    • Paper clips
    • Blocks or sheets of styrofoam
    • Duct tape
    • Toothpicks
    • Foil
    • Straws
    • Gears
    • Paper cups
    • Wax
    • Balloons
    • String
    • Springs
    • Cork
    • Battery-powered motors 

    Testing Materials

    • Water
    • Canal (long waterproof container such as a planter, or gutter section with end pieces attached). Gutters are usually sold in 4in or 125mm x 7ft/2.2m length sections — with end caps this works well and allows for a water depth of about 3in or 90mm. The size trough you select will change the size requirements of the boats.
    • Stopwatch
  • Materials

    • Water
    • Canal (long waterproof container such as a planter, or gutter section with end pieces attached). Gutters are usually sold in 4in or 125mm x 7ft/2.2m length sections — with end caps this works well and allows for a water depth of about 3in or 90mm. The size trough you select will change the size requirements of the boats.
    • Stopwatch


    Set up the waterway and add water. Only one is needed for all testing. Mark the starting line and finish line with tape. Each team can test their boat three times…and note the best speed. The teachers should time each test for fair reporting. Students record the results of each test, noting speed from start to finish, distance spanned and stability.

    Testing could be conducted outside to reduce water issues in a classroom.

  • Design Challenge

    You are a team of engineers who have been given the challenge of developing a boat that can travel down a small water canal faster than boats designed by other student “engineering” teams.  You must follow the criteria below:


    • Boat must touch the water at all times during its journey.
    • Boat cannot be longer than 10 inches/25 cm and cannot be wider than 3 inches/90 cm (Or, based on the width of the canal your teacher has set up).
    • Must make your boat from scratch (no premade plastic boats allowed)
    • The method you develop for propelling your boat has to be part of the boat, so you cannot, for example, toss a ball at it to make it go.


    • Use only the materials provided.
    • Teams may trade unlimited materials.
    1. Break class into teams of 2-3.
    2. Hand out the Fun with Speedboats worksheet, as well as some sheets of paper for sketching designs.
    3. Discuss the topics in the Background Concepts Section. Consider asking students about the different types of boats there are. What makes them look different from each other. Does the design change how fast they can move?
    4. Review the Engineering Design Process, Design Challenge, Criteria, Constraints and Materials.
    5. Provide each team with their materials. Ask each team to put a name their speed boat for easy identification.
    6. Explain that students must develop a boat that can fit into the testing trough and prove to be the fastest in the class. (Note: be sure to measure the trough you are using and guide students to design their boats so that they are narrower than the width of the trough. Boats also cannot be longer than 10 inches or 25 cm).

    The boat must remain in the water at all times during testing and also has to be built from scratch. Younger students may use plastic boat toys though if building is too difficult.

    1. Announce the amount of time they have to design and build (1 hour recommended).
    2. Use a timer or an on-line stopwatch (count down feature) to ensure you keep on time. ( Give students regular “time checks” so they stay on task. If they are struggling, ask questions that will lead them to a solution quicker.
    3. Students meet and develop a plan for their boat. They agree on materials they will need, write/draw their plan, and present their plan to the class. Teams may trade unlimited materials with other teams to develop their ideal parts list.
    4. Teams build their designs.
    5. Teams complete the Competitive Analysis Phase chart in the Student Worksheet. Ask them to take a good look at all the speedboats created by other teams in the classroom. They should notice the differences, and as a team, make a prediction of the best speed they think their boat will achieve. They should then make predictions of the best speed their competition will achieve.
    6. Each team can test their boat on the waterway three times…and note the best speed. The teachers should time each test for fair reporting. Students record the results of each test, noting speed from start to finish, distance spanned and stability.
    7. Teams complete the Speed Race Testing chart in the Student Worksheet to record their team’s testing results, including observations. They should also record testing results of other teams.
    8. As a class, discuss the student reflection questions.
    9. For more content on the topic, see the “Digging Deeper” section.

    Extension Idea

    Require boats to carry a load (candy, stones, etc.). Add this variable halfway through the challenge so students will have to adapt their designs.

    Student Reflection (engineering notebook)

    1. How did your speed boat perform compared to other teams in your classroom?
    2. What do you think was the pivotal aspect of the design of the boat that helped it go the fastest?
    3. If you had to do it all over again, how would your planned design change? Why?
    4. Do you think that engineers often adapt their original plans during the manufacturing process? Why might they?
    5. Did you find that there were many designs in your classroom that were very different and yet also very fast? What does this tell you about engineering plans?
    6. Explain how working as a team impacted (positively or negatively) your team performance on this project.
    7. If you could have added a material to your boat that was unavailable, what would that have been?  Why?
    Time Modification

    The lesson can be done in as little as 1 class period for older students. However, to help students from feeling rushed and to ensure student success (especially for younger students), split the lesson into two periods giving students more time to brainstorm, test ideas and finalize their design. Conduct the testing and debrief in the next class period.

  • Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering 

    What do Marine Engineers and Naval Architects Do?

    Marine engineers and naval architects are involved in the design, construction, and maintenance of ships, boats, and related equipment. They design and supervise the construction of everything from aircraft carriers to submarines, and from speedboats to tankers. Naval architects work on the basic design of ships, including hull form and stability. Marine engineers work on the propulsion, steering, and other systems of ships. Marine engineers and naval architects apply knowledge from a range of fields to the entire design and production process of all water vehicles.

    Types of Vessels

    There are a wide range of vessels that are designed and tested by marine engineers and naval architects including:

    • Merchant Ships – oil/gas tankers, cargo ships, bulk carrier, container ships
    • Passenger/vehicle ferries, cruise ships
    • Warships – frigates, destroyers, aircraft carriers, amphibious ships, etc.
    • Submarines and underwater vehicles Icebreakers  Offshore drilling platforms, semisubmersibles
    • High Speed Craft – hovercraft, multihull ships, hydrofoil craft, etc.
    • Workboats – fishing boat, platform supply vessel, tug boat, pilot vessels, rescue craft, etc.
    • Yachts, power boats, and other recreational craft.

    How Important is Testing?

    Scientists and engineers use testing systems to evaluate the performance of equipment of all types before construction. Testing can take a variety of forms including wind tunnels, computer simulation, model making, and prototype fabrication.

    How Fast is Fast? 

    What is a Speed Boat?

    A full size motorboat (or speedboat) is a boat which is powered by an engine. In this lesson, you’ll be building a boat that is much smaller and can be propelled using lots of different methods! Some motorboats are fitted with inboard engines, others have an outboard motor installed on the back of the boat that contains an internal combustion engine, a gearbox and the propeller in one unit.

    What is a World Record?

    A world record (or world best) is usually the best global performance ever recorded and verified in a specific skill or sport. The book Guinness World Records collates and publishes notable records of all types, from first and best to worst human achievements, to extremes in the natural world and beyond. A number of high-profile records are broken on a regular basis, such as the record for the oldest person in the world. At the moment, with the most Guinness World Records is Mr Ashrita Furman, who holds the records for, among many others, long-distance pogo-stick jumping, most glasses balanced on the chin, and most hop-scotch games in 24 hours.

    World Water Speed Record

    The official world water speed record is 275.97 knots (511.11 km./h, or 317.58 mph) by Ken Warby in the unlimited-class jet-powered hydroplane Spirit of Australia on Blowering Dam Lake, New South Wales, Australia, on 8 October 1978. Warby’s record still stands today, and there have only been two official attempts to break it — both ending in the death of the challengers. It is a good lesson that going fast isn’t necessarily safe!

    The Spirit of Australia was powered by a Westinghouse J34 jet engine. The engine was developed by the Westinghouse Electric Company in the late 1940s and was used for jet fighters and other aircraft. The Spirit of Australia is displayed permanently at the Australian National Maritime Museum.

    Warby was fascinated with the idea of breaking the world speed record from a young age. As a child he built his own models and powercraft to race on water, setting the scene for his eventual world record attempts. With most of his engineering experience learnt on the job, he designed a wooden 3-point hydroplane which, at record breaking speeds, would make little contact with the water.

    • Buoyant: Able to float or keep something else floating.
    • Constraints: Limitations with material, time, size of team, etc.
    • Criteria: Conditions that the design must satisfy like its overall size, etc.
    • Engineers: Inventors and problem-solvers of the world. Twenty-five major specialties are recognized in engineering (see infographic).
    • Engineering Design Process: Process engineers use to solve problems. 
    • Engineering Habits of Mind (EHM): Six unique ways that engineers think.
    • High Speed Craft: Hovercraft, multihull ships, hydrofoil craft.
    • Inboard Engine: Engine built into a boat or ship. 
    • Iteration: Test & redesign is one iteration. Repeat (multiple iterations).
    • Marine engineers: Involved in the design, construction, and maintenance of ships, boats and related equipment. 
    • Merchant Ships: Oil/gas tankers, cargo ships, bulk carrier, container ships
    • Naval architects: Involved in the design, construction, and maintenance of ships, boats, and related equipment. 
    • Outboard Motor: Motor installed on the back of a boat that contains an internal combustion engine, a gearbox and the propeller in one unit. 
    • Passenger Ships: Vehicle ferries, cruise ships
    • Propel: To push or cause to move usually forward or onward.
    • Prototype: A working model of the solution to be tested.
    • Recreational Craft: Yachts, power boats, pontoons, houseboats
    • Underwater Ships: Submarines, icebreakers, offshore drilling platforms, semisubmersibles
    • Warships: Frigates, destroyers, aircraft carriers, amphibious ships.
    • Workboats: Fishing boat, platform supply vessel, tug boat, pilot vessels, rescue craft.
  • Internet Connections

    Recommended Reading

    • Extreme Machines (ISBN: 978- 0789454171)
    • Cutwater: Speedboats and Launches from the Golden Days of Boating (ISBN: 978- 1879301047)
    • Boatbuilding: A Complete Handbook of Wooden Boat Construction (ISBN: 978-0393035544)

    Writing Activity

    Write a paragraph or essay describing how engineering has impacted the attainable speed of another transportation vehicle such as a train, car, or spaceship.

  • Alignment to Curriculum Frameworks

    Note: Lesson plans in this series are aligned to one or more of the following sets of standards:  

    National Science Education Standards Grades 5-8 (ages 10 – 14)

    CONTENT STANDARD A: Science as Inquiry

    As a result of activities, all students should develop

    • Abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry 
    • Understandings about scientific inquiry 

    CONTENT STANDARD B: Physical Science

    As a result of their activities, all students should develop an understanding of

    • Motions and forces 
    • Transfer of energy 

    CONTENT STANDARD E: Science and Technology
    As a result of activities in grades 5-8, all students should develop

    • Abilities of technological design 
    • Understandings about science and technology 

    CONTENT STANDARD F: Science in Personal and Social Perspectives

    As a result of activities, all students should develop understanding of

    • Science and technology in society 

    CONTENT STANDARD G: History and Nature of Science

    As a result of activities, all students should develop understanding of

    • Science as a human endeavor 

    National Science Education Standards Grades 9-12 (ages 14-18)

    CONTENT STANDARD A: Science as Inquiry

    As a result of activities, all students should develop

    • Abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry 
    • Understandings about scientific inquiry 

    CONTENT STANDARD B: Physical Science 

    As a result of their activities, all students should develop understanding of

    • Motions and forces 
    • Interactions of energy and matter 

    CONTENT STANDARD E: Science and Technology

    As a result of activities, all students should develop

    • Abilities of technological design 
    • Understandings about science and technology 

    CONTENT STANDARD F: Science in Personal and Social Perspectives

    As a result of activities, all students should develop understanding of

    • Science and technology in local, national, and global challenges 

    National Science Education Standards Grades 9-12 (ages 14-18)

    CONTENT STANDARD G: History and Nature of Science

    As a result of activities, all students should develop understanding of

    • Science as a human endeavor 

    Next Generation Science Standards Grades 3-5 (Ages 8-11)

    Motion and Stability: Forces and Interactions

    Students who demonstrate understanding can:

    • 3-PS2-1. Plan and conduct an investigation to provide evidence of the effects of balanced and unbalanced forces on the motion of an object. 


    Students who demonstrate understanding can:

    • 4-PS3-1. Use evidence to construct an explanation relating the speed of an object to the energy of that object.

    Students who demonstrate understanding can:

    • 4-PS3-4.   Apply scientific ideas to design, test, and refine a device that converts energy from one form to another.

    Engineering Design 

    Students who demonstrate understanding can:

    • 3-5-ETS1-1.Define a simple design problem reflecting a need or a want that includes specified criteria for success and constraints on materials, time, or cost.
    • 3-5-ETS1-2.Generate and compare multiple possible solutions to a problem based on how well each is likely to meet the criteria and constraints of the problem.
    • 3-5-ETS1-3.Plan and carry out fair tests in which variables are controlled and failure points are considered to identify aspects of a model or prototype that can be improved.

    Next Generation Science Standards Grades 6-8 (Ages 11-14)

    Engineering Design 

    Students who demonstrate understanding can:

    • MS-ETS1-1 Define the criteria and constraints of a design problem with sufficient precision to ensure a successful solution, taking into account relevant scientific principles and potential impacts on people and the natural environment that may limit possible solutions.
    • MS-ETS1-2 Evaluate competing design solutions using a systematic process to determine how well they meet the criteria and constraints of the problem.

    Standards for Technological Literacy – All Ages

    The Nature of Technology

    • Standard 1: Students will develop an understanding of the characteristics and scope of technology.
    • Standard 2: Students will develop an understanding of the core concepts of technology.
    • Standard 3: Students will develop an understanding of the relationships among technologies and the connections between technology and other fields of study.

    Technology and Society

    • Standard 4: Students will develop an understanding of the cultural, social, economic, and political effects of technology.
    • Standard 7: Students will develop an understanding of the influence of technology on history.


    • Standard 8: Students will develop an understanding of the attributes of design.
    • Standard 9: Students will develop an understanding of engineering design.
    • Standard 10: Students will develop an understanding of the role of troubleshooting, research and development, invention and innovation, and experimentation in problem solving.

    Abilities for a Technological World

    • Standard 11: Students will develop abilities to apply the design process.

    The Designed World

    • Standard 18: Students will develop an understanding of and be able to select and use transportation technologies.
  • You are a team of engineers who have been given the challenge of developing a boat that can travel down a small canal faster than boats designed by other student “engineering” teams.  There are a few rules:


    1. Your boat must touch the water at all times during its journey.
    2. Boats cannot be longer than 10 inches or 25 cm.
    3. Boats also cannot be wider than 3 inches or 90 mm — but check with your teacher as the width of the canal he/she is preparing may have a different width requirement.
    4. You must make your boat from scratch (no premade plastic boats allowed, unless your teacher approves).
    5. The method you develop for propelling your boat has to be part of the boat, so you cannot for example toss a ball at it to make it go.

    Research/Preparation Phase

    Review the various Student Reference Sheets.

    Planning as a Team

    Meet as a team and develop a drawing on the other side of this paper showing the design of your speed boat.  Be sure to list all the items you think you will need to build it in the box below.


    Parts List:











    Construction Phase

    Build your boat using your planned materials…you may find you need to add materials or change the design during this phase. It is ok to trade materials with other teams, or request additional materials from the teacher. In some situations, your team may build your boat outside of school and gather materials as needed outside the classroom.

    Competitive Analysis Phase

    Take a good look at all the speedboats created by other “engineering” teams in your classroom. Notice the differences, and as a team, make predictions of the best speed you think your boat and the competition with achieve during testing. Later, you’ll use this sheet to mark down the actual results after testing.

    Your team’s prediction


    Team: Team: Team: Team: Team: Team:
    (Test 1)
    (Test 2)
    (Test 3)

    convert to miles per hour or km per hour


    Speed Race Testing

    Observe as your team and other teams test their prototypes in your classroom waterway. Record your team’s results in the box below, including points and observations.

    Actual Results


    Team: Team: Team: Team: Team: Team:

    (Test 1)



    (Test 2)



    (Test 3)



    1. How did your speed boat perform compared to other teams in your classroom?








    1. What do you think was the pivotal aspect of the design of the boat that helped it go the fastest?








    1. If you had to do it all over again, how would your planned design change? Why?








    1. Do you think that engineers often adapt their original plans during the manufacturing process? Why might they?








    1. Did you find that there were many designs in your classroom that were very different and yet also very fast? What does this tell you about engineering plans?








    1. Explain how working as team impacted (positively or negatively) your team performance on this project.







    1. If you could have added a material to your boat that was unavailable, what would that have been? Why?





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