Did you know that engineers play a big part in many medicinal advancements? Think of prosthetics, ultrasounds- even dentures! Let’s learn about Biomedical Engineering and Medical Imaging and all the ways these two work together!
Join the IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society and TryEngineering for June’s issue of TryEngineering Tuesday. This student resource & webinar series features an IEEE technical society or community with related activities for pre-university students and a free digital badge.
This issue features Biomedical Engineering and Medical Imaging. Andrea Gonzalez Montoro, postdoctoral research fellow, Institute for Instrumentation in Molecular Imaging (13M-CSIC), will share her work in PET scanning. In the end, you will know how to help students explore, engage and become inspired by the amazing accomplishments of biomedical engineers.
Watch the TryEngineering Tuesday Webinar on Biomedical Engineering and Medical Imaging and get ready to learn all there is to know about biomedical engineering and medical imaging from this leading professional!
Explore TryEngineering Tuesday Biomedical Engineering and Medical Imaging guide where students can earn their IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society badge through hands-on activities, interactive videos, games and more! Discover and collect all the TryEngineering Tuesday badges!
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