September is Read A Book Month!

Which do you love more: reading, science, or math? You don’t have to choose! September is Read a Book Month. While reading novels is a great way to escape, there are plenty of adventures to go on with books about science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). From books chock-full of STEM experiments to those that provide help with math and online learning, these Amazon best-sellers will get you through the school year:

eNinja: A Children’s Book About Virtual Learning Practices for Online Student Success: As the COVID19 pandemic continues to keep many students out of the classroom this fall, many are experiencing anxiety around virtual learning. This book contains best practices for kids to help them cope with learning from home.

The Everything Kids’ Science Experiments Book: Boil Ice, Float Water, Measure Gravity-Challenge the World Around You!: This book contains a treasure trove of science experiments kids can do at home. Author Tom Robinson, a high school science teacher, walks you through all kinds of cool experiments in biology, engineering, physics, and chemistry.

Big Science for Little People: This book, written by Lynn Brunelle, makes science fun for kids ages 4 to 8. It contains 52 experiments kids can do with mom and dad. 

The Cartoon Guide to Algebra: Do you find math hard? This illustrated book, written by Harvard University instructor Larry Gonick, takes kids on a cartoon adventure that helps them understand the basics of math as they are taught in the U.S. school system. 

What Can I be? STEM Careers from A to Z: Do you know what you want to be when you grow up? This illustrated book, written by Tiffani Teachey, contains an alphabetical list of STEM careers to pick from for kids 5 to 8 years old. 

Do you want more book recommendations? Check out other TryEngineering blogs that feature books on STEM!