Opportunities for project-based learning and hands-on experiences are vital for inspiring pre-university aged student to consider a career in engineering. Often, these opportunities are provided outside of the classroom beyond a traditional curriculum. STEAM for Social Good was a new camp program in 2022 that was offered for Kerala, India area (R10) students in grades 6-9. It was conducted by IEEE Education Society Kerala Section, in collaboration with IEEE SIGHT Kerala Section and AMMACHI Labs, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham. The program focused on IoT and app development to inspire students to develop prototypes for solving societal challenges.
The camp was inclusive to 53 students across the local Kerala area, and it also required the assistance of 20 teachers, 25 parents, and 33 volunteers. Throughout the ten-day STEAM coding camp, children learned to apply a design thinking approach toward UN Sustainable Development Goals. The participants were first taught the basics of coding and technologies like app development and IoT. They then leveraged this understanding to think critically about how technologies can be used to solve real world problems. The final two days of the camp featured a social-good makeathon. The makeathon was inaugurated by Dr. Mini Ulanat, Chairperson IEEE Kerala Section, Dr. Suresh Nair, Chairperson IEEE India Council, and Prof. Muhammed Kasim, Vice Chair, IEEE Kerala Section. Four teams were declared the winners and were awarded cash prizes.
After its first year, the program was considered a success based on a variety of criteria. Surveys administered at both the beginning and end of the program showed that many of the students improved their understanding of key areas taught such as IoT and app development. Students also quoted that the program was both informative and enjoyable, and many expressed that they are inspired to continue experimental learning in the disciplines. Additionally, this program helped develop mentor, career, and leadership roles for many IEEE student volunteers and young professionals.
STEAM for Social Good was a recipient of the 2022 IEEE Pre-University STEM Grant Program.
IEEE TryEngineering and the IEEE Foundation have partnered to raise donations in support of the IEEE STEM Grant Program. If you would like to contribute, please make a donation via our IEEE TryEngineering Fund donation Page.