Looking for some fun and useful resources to help your students learn math? The Journal recently released a new list of free resources to assist with remote learning in 2021. Here are some specific math resources from the list you might find helpful:
- ASSISTments free for middle school math teachers, this program allows you to assign homework or classwork, and give students immediate feedback on assignments.
- Bakpax provides auto-grading, offers free access to teachers and students, and uses artificial intelligence for automatic grading.
- Casio provides a number of resources that support math education.
- Dad’s Worksheets contains 9,000+ math worksheets free to download.
- The Get It Guide math tutorials supplements teacher instruction and helps students by providing guiding questions as they solve math problems.
- Good Calculators offers a number of free online calculators.
- Hooda Math offers free online math games.
- Houghton Mifflin Harcourt offers math-specific resources for students K-8.
- JASON Learning is offering free access to its online STEM curriculum, including math lessons, and is currently waiving its per-student fee. Interested schools and districts must complete a short online form.
- Knowre free to all American educators, schools and districts, Knowre Math is a virtual core supplement for grades 1-12 featuring “walk me through” support and assignments that support students individually.
- MathNook provides games and puzzles for K-12 students learning from home, with resources that can be filtered by grade level.
- Maths Chase provides online math learning games.
- The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics is providing free professional development webinars.
- ORIGO Education is providing weekly digital content plans for K-6 students learning from home, and is designed to complement math skills and concepts kids are learning in specific grades.
- St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital is providing STEM activity ideas and worksheets for teachers and families, which include math puzzles.
- UnboundEd offers thousands of free open educational resources, including math lessons, for K-12 students, that can be filtered by grade level, as well as videos, teaching guides, and podcasts.
- The University of Waterloo Centre for Education in Mathematics and Computing (CEMC) provides games, videos, problems, and other resources for students learning from home, grades 4-6, 7-8, 9-10 and 11-12.
- Z-kai offers booklets containing math worksheets for students in grades 2-5.
Check out the full list of The Journal’s Free Resources to Help with Remote Learning in 2021.
Explore more math resources on IEEE TryEngineering.