Today, February 24, is Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day (February 24) – a perfect opportunity to introduce girls to space engineering. With NASA planning to send its first female astronauts to the moon in 2024, there’s plenty of reason for girls to see space exploration in their future.
What is NASA’s Artemis Program?
In 2024, the Artemis program, NASA’s first crewed moon mission since Apollo 17, will send the first women to the moon. Out of the 18 astronauts who will take part in the program, 9 will be female, and one will become the first woman ever to step on the lunar surface. Who will take this giant leap for womankind has yet to be decided, but the agency is expected to choose a woman of color.
NASA’s Free First Woman Graphic Novels
Excited to see the first women touch down on the moon? You don’t have to wait! The graphic novel series “First Woman,” free from NASA, tells the story of fictional astronaut Callie Rodriguez, the moon’s first female explorer, and her robotic sidekick RT, as they navigate the lunar surface.
“While Callie is a fictional character, the first female astronaut and person of color will soon set foot on the Moon – a historic milestone and part of upcoming NASA missions,” says the agency on its website. “Through a series of graphic novels and digital platforms, First Woman aims to capture our attention and unite the next generation of explorers who will return to the Moon.”
The first issue of the graphic novel is available for free online and downloadable as a PDF. An audio version of the story is also available for free, and an app is also available with AR and VR to make the experience more interactive.
Learn more about the graphic novel series here. Also, see more Girls in STEM resources available on IEEE TryEngineering.