Connections Academy: Support for Teaching & Learning from Home

Here are two great articles to help teachers and families amid this Covid-19 pandemic:

  • Coronavirus and Teaching from Home: Ten Ways to Engage and Instruct Students Remotely

    Schools all over the world are stepping up, getting creative and developing solutions to keep students learning amid possible school closures and general disruption caused by the coronavirus. Many, if not most, of these solutions rely on technology to deliver some form of remote, online learning.

    Taking your teaching into a fully virtual environment will have some challenges, but educators at full-time online schools, Connections Academy, encourage you to tap into the basics of teaching and learning — things like communication, empathy, motivation — that transcend the classroom type or teaching medium. They also have some practical, operational tips you can use right now for instructing and engaging students. “At the end of the day, and from one teacher to another, you’ve got this.”  READ FULL ARTICLE

  • Coronavirus and Learning from Home: Tips to Support Success for K-12 Students and Families

    As schools and places of work make decisions about learning and working remotely, families and students are tasked with figuring out how to manage it all. In many, if not most, scenarios, online learning has become the solution of choice for schools that are stepping up and getting creative to support students. This can be a big adjustment and uncomfortable for families, but educators at full-time online schools, Connections Academy, encourage you to first focus on your student’s health and well-being and then turn to academics with the tips below. Students are receptive to learning when they feel safe and secure. You’ve got this.”  READ FULL ARTICLE