Artificial Intelligence also known as “AI” is one of the most intriguing technological breakthroughs that we have been exposed to today. Many of us engage with AI daily, if you use any Apple devices the virtual assistant Siri is at your disposal just by saying, “Hey Siri.” Siri makes use of machine learning technology so it can become smarter and better able to answer our questions and requests.
Applications of AI like Siri and Alexa make many aspects of our lives easier, but AI is also capable of assisting educators as well. In regards to AI, many have expressed fear that it could replace humans in the workforce..fortunately, it does not seem like that will happen anytime soon. Instead, over the past few years, AI has been slowly integrated into the workforce to take over jobs that may be considered tedious or redundant.
AI has helped educators in the classroom by becoming capable of taking over administrative tasks. Teachers value the time that they can spend with their students, but a lot of this time can be taken up by tasks such as grading multiple-choice exams and assessing homework. AI is already capable of grading multiple-choice exams, and soon it will be able to grade written prompts as well. As AI continues to develop to complete these tasks educators will be given more time to spend with their students.
Artificial Intelligence also helps give global access in the classroom to those who speak different languages or have hearing impairments. For example, AI is used with the free PowerPoint plugin called “Presentation Translator.” This is helpful as it is capable of providing subtitles for the teacher that is speaking in real-time. In this case, AI can eliminate borders and helps to ensure that all students understand the subject matter.
Moreover, AI has also begun assisting educators with tutoring. Some subject matter is taught best by humans, but the AI is still able to help students understand the fundamentals of different topics. Some students use the Duolingo chatbot to learn how to speak fluently in other languages such as French, Italian, and Spanish.
Ultimately, as AI continues to develop it will become capable of taking on more tasks. It is important that educators continue to work alongside it to help ensure the best educational experience for students.