Celebrate Women’s Equality Day

What is Women’s Equality Day?

Designated by Congress in 1973, Women’s Equality Day honors the efforts made by women to secure the right to vote. On this day, we celebrate the progress of women’s rights, as well as renew our commitment to encourage gender equity. This year, 2023, marks the 50th anniversary of Women’s Equality Day. 

Why August 26th?

Women's Equality Day-the right for women to vote!Women’s Equality Day is recognized on August 26th because the 19th Amendment, allowing women the right to vote, was ratified on this date in 1920. Women’s suffrage had been a huge struggle for several decades before the amendment finally passed. Honoring this day can be easy and fun. Read about influential women in history or sign the petition to elevate Women’s Equality Day to a federal holiday. 

Why Celebrate?

Women have worked extremely hard for their acceptance into a society that once catered to men only. This progress deserves recognition, which further inspires more girls to make positive changes for humanity. 

“Acknowledging the achievements of women in all facets of life – science, community, government, literature, art, sports, medicine – has a huge impact on the development of self-respect and new opportunities for girls and young women.” – National Women’s History Alliance

However, it is important to note that females all over the world are still discriminated against in many ways. 

Harmful gender stereotypes, pay wage gaps, and lack of opportunity are just a few setbacks that women face, preventing a more diverse and balanced world. The engineering workforce is traditionally male-dominated. This is due to a label that women are not as strong in areas like math and science. This gender stereotype causes women to question their abilities and be more reluctant to pursue STEM careers. 

Despite unfair generalizations, balancing men and women in the STEM labor force will diversify the practice of engineering and lead to greater innovation. 

How IEEE Helps Achieve Women’s Equality in Engineering 

women in engineeringThrough one action at a time, gender equality can become a reality. IEEE promotes and implements equal opportunities for women into engineering policy, planning, and standards

IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) is a global network dedicated to promoting women engineers and scientists, as well as inspiring young girls to pursue a career in STEM. This inclusive community provides females with supportive mentors and colleagues in the engineering industry. IEEE WIE programs recognize and award outstanding achievements of women in electrical engineering, advocate women in leadership roles, and grant scholarships to deserving students. 

Providing equal opportunities for women in engineering is just one part of the overall goal. IEEE’s efforts inspire others to do the same throughout other facets of the industry and overall humanity.

Check out more about Girls in STEM on IEEE TryEngineering.

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