
STEM Grant Spotlight – WIE Impact

Leaders and advocates of STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) take learning beyond just the academics offered in the classroom. Through TryEngineering, IEEE Volunteers are able to make STEM outreach projects…

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Celebrate Engineers Week 2025!

Get ready to celebrate National Engineers Week! This special week, from 16-22 February 2025, is the time to celebrate the incredible contributions engineers have made and continue to make in…

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New Lesson Plan Overview Videos!

TryEngineering is thrilled to announce the release of two new Drawshop lesson plan overview videos on our YouTube channel! These videos use animation to bring our existing lesson plans to…

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STEM Grant Spotlight: Solar Schools

Leaders and advocates of STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) take learning beyond just the academics offered in the classroom. Through TryEngineering, IEEE Volunteers are able to make STEM outreach projects…

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