Querium helps students master critical STEM skills, preparing them for college and beyond. Their platform delivers personalized, bite-sized lessons with expert system, step-by-step tutoring assistance that motivates students to succeed.

Querium uses AI in their company to help students with STEM skills so they can be ready for further studies at high schools, colleges, and universities. The Querium platform delivers personalized lessons and step-by-step tutoring assistance. Its personalized program is called StepWise, and it works on smartphones and computers. The company uses artificial intelligence for STEM (math, engineering, technology, and science education) applications. The app’s cognitive assistant helps students as they come across obstacles.

Querium’s A.I. engine makes STEM learning smarter by using patent-pending, artificial intelligence technology to improve students’ problem solving skills with step-by-step feedback. Students solve STEM problems by submitting each step for evaluation.

StepWise captures rich data within each solution to give instructors insight into students’ thinking and problem solving process. Data types include:

  • Full sequence entered by student
  • Types and numbers of errors made
  • Hints provided and number of hints requested
  • Time spent per step and per full solution
  • Partial credit for successful steps entered
  • Skill employed per entered step
  • Skill mastery demonstrated across problems
  • Overall efficiency and accuracy in problem solving

StepWise enhances publishers’ HTML5 web apps and ePub3 without plug-ins. It integrates easily with Agilix, Canvas, Blackboard, and Moodle via LTI.

The Querium StepWise web component is pure HTML5, CSS3, and Javascript. There is no Adobe Flash, and it does not require any other plug-ins.