Target Applicant: Undergraduate

The goal of the Summer Undergraduate Program in Engineering Research at Berkeley – Information Technology for Sustainability (SUPERB – ITS) in the Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences (EECS) Department is to prepare and motivate a group of diverse, competitive candidates for graduate study. The research focus of the REU site will be computer science in the context of information technology for sustainability. SUPERB-ITS participants spend nine weeks at UC Berkely during the summer working on exciting ongoing research projects in information technology with EECS faculty mentors and graduate students. Students who participate in this research apprenticeship explore options for graduate study, gain exposure to a large research-oriented department, and are motivated to pursue graduate study. SUPERB-ITS participants receive a $4,500 stipend, room and board on campus in the International House, and up to $600 for travel expenses.

Learn more about the Summer Undergraduate Program in Engineering Research at Berkeley (SUPERB)