STEMscopes simulations are embedded throughout the curriculum from kindergarten to 12th grade. These interactive elements help students practice their learned content knowledge and skills and enable teachers to assess in unique ways. Designed in two formats, Simulation Practice and SEP Simulations, these simulations integrate smoothly with the hands-on experiences, STEM videos, and teacher resources.

Distinguishing themselves from “games,” these simulations combine the engaging qualities of gamified learning with the rigor and depth of a standards-aligned STEM curriculum. Your students will be engaged and you’ll be amazed as they demonstrate content mastery without the agony of worksheets and traditional multiple choice assessments. You’ll be hooked from the moment you grab your favorite device and dive into a STEM simulation!

SEP Simulations

Not every student is successful on standard multiple choice assessments, whether it’s due to testing anxiety, lack of engagement, or problems with reading comprehension. SEP Simulations enable the teacher to uniquely assess students as they drag, drop, and manipulate onscreen elements in this performance-based assessment. Once the student completes the activity,  the teacher receives a report that contains valuable information about the student’s level of mastery of the assessed content and reveals the student’s choices in the activity, which can help the teacher identify the source of any misconceptions.

Figure out the flow of energy through different systems and run an alternative energy billboard campaign (5th grade, Reducing Human Impact – SEP Simulation: Alternative Energy).

With designer-quality graphics and immersive story lines, these ready-made interactive experiences use the scientific process to support students’ understanding of the science concept. They’ll love the simulations’ use of humor, weirdness, and, yes, even explosions! As the teacher you’ll love seeing your students critically thinking and practicing with the content and skills they learned in the lesson’s hands-on modules.

Color and adorn robots as you figure out their cruising speeds using time lapse photos (Middle School Physical Science, Kinetic Energy – Interactive Practice: Calculating Speed).