Are you heading back to school or work and looking for ideas to get your pre-university students motivated to learn about engineering? If you are returning from a break or welcoming a new group of students into your class, the following resources can make it easy to bring the E in STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) learning alive.

Engineering Design Process Video from TryEngineering

The Engineering Design Process (EDP) is a series of steps that engineers use to guide the development of products and processes to improve our lives. This is a cyclical process that involves productive failure: test, fail, redesign, then iterate again and again until the best possible solution is found. It’s important to note that there can be multiple solutions to the same problems. 

The following video can help your students understand the importance and the power of the Engineering Design Process.

Engineering Design Process (EDP)

Informal Learning Activities from TEACH Engineering

Informal Learning Activities from TEACH Engineering provide a taste of engineering design and may be the perfect way to kick off your school year or to get an after-school STEM club off the ground. Most Informal Learning Activities take 60 minutes or less to conduct and are designed for quick prep by teachers and informal educators. The TeachEngineering Digital Library is an educational resource featuring standards-aligned, design-rich curricula. Check out some of these activities on Teach Engineering that might be right for you.  

New Telecommunications Engineering Hands-On Activities from TryEngineering

The IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) promotes technological innovation and fosters creation and sharing of information among the global technical community. Their members share a vision to bring the world together in harmony through communications and networking technology research, application, education, and incubation of new ideas. TryEngineering empowers educators to foster the next generation of technology innovators. Together they have partnered to bring learning opportunities in telecommunications for school-aged students. Their new hands-on telecommunications activities can be utilized on their own or as an extension to a deeper lesson plan. Have a look at these hands-on activities right here

Make Space for a Makerspace

Looking for ideas to refresh your classroom, educational space or workspace? Why not design a makerspace? Makerspace areas or other exploratory settings are ideal for anyone looking to use technology to help them make and design. For students, having a makerspace area is a great way to teach the Engineering Design Process (EDP) while adding a creative element. This can be a section of the classroom, a library, a computer lab, a workshop, or more. Check out this TryEngineering article for ideas to set up your makerspace area.


If you are looking for more engineering resources for your school-aged students, be sure to check out all of the teacher resources from TryEngineering today.