It’s time to celebrate: the 28th of January is Data Privacy Day. According to the International Association of Privacy Professionals, this day is “an international effort to create awareness about the importance of respecting privacy, safeguarding data, and enabling trust.” 

National Today points out that people often do little to ensure their digital data is secure until something happens to compromise that. Perhaps this day can help everyone change course and take action now. What can you do to be proactive with your own digital data? 

To help promote this day, the IAPP is partnering with Stay Safe Online (part of the National Cybersecurity Alliance). They designate the entire month to data privacy and protection with several resources available to help get you started. You can check out some of their blogs such as “Securing Your Home Network” or “Public Computers and Wi-Fi.” You can also check out their events page. Many of these events are virtual and are available on demand. 

Of course, this topic is not only relevant for adults, but kids as well. With so many avenues in digital technology for today’s youth to explore, kids are at risk for data breaches as well. Help keep your teens and kids safe with tips from this article from CISA

Of course, you can check out some resources right here on TryEngineering such as this teacher resource that links to Interested in helping your students pursue a field in cyber security? This career pathway on Computer Information Systems can help students get started. Additionally, you can check out TryEngineering lesson plans such as Search Engines to help students gain a foundational understanding of digital data handling and analysis. 

How will you get started staying safe? Let us know in the comments below!